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Bersiap! Pemerintah Segera Memberikan Diskon PPN Properti

Bersiap! Pemerintah Segera Memberikan Diskon PPN Properti

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartanto, stated that...

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Tax Allowance Pada Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus: Sudah Optimalkah?

Tax Allowance Pada Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus: Sudah Optimalkah?

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF), Ministry of Finance, reported that during 2022,...

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Ayo Pahami Konsep Core Tax untuk Peningkatan Manajemen Keuangan

Ayo Pahami Konsep Core Tax untuk Peningkatan Manajemen Keuangan

Jakarta, Ideatax -- In this increasingly modern era, the government has turned to information t...

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Inilah Jenis-Jenis Perpajakan yang Harus dibayar Perusahaan

Inilah Jenis-Jenis Perpajakan yang Harus dibayar Perusahaan

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Tax is a financial obligation that must be fulfilled by every company. In f...

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Mitigasi Global Minimum Tax: Sebuah Perspektif Bagi Wajib Pajak

Mitigasi Global Minimum Tax: Sebuah Perspektif Bagi Wajib Pajak

Jakarta, Ideatax -- At the end of 2021, the OECD finally released the long-awaited rules regarding P...

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Bagaimana Cara Konsultan Pajak Membantu Masalah Perpajakan Anda?

Bagaimana Cara Konsultan Pajak Membantu Masalah Perpajakan Anda?

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Tax issues can often be complicated and confusing for a taxpayer. Luckily,...

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Pajak Youtubers: Permasalahan dan Solusinya

Pajak Youtubers: Permasalahan dan Solusinya

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Recently, a comedian shared his story when dealing with taxation issues. Th...

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Aspek Hukum dalam Company Dissolution Indonesia

Aspek Hukum dalam Company Dissolution Indonesia

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Managing a business is a challenge that requires entrepreneurs to always pa...

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Dari PPh hingga PPN, Ini Aspek Perpajakan yang Harus Dipahami

Dari PPh hingga PPN, Ini Aspek Perpajakan yang Harus Dipahami

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The tax aspect is unavoidable in the business world, and applies to both in...

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Inilah Kode Pajak PPN yang Dibutuhkan untuk Berbagai Industri

Inilah Kode Pajak PPN yang Dibutuhkan untuk Berbagai Industri

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The VAT Tax Code (Value Added Tax) is an important element in taxation, bec...

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Pillar One Amount B: Terobosan dalam Penerapan ALP

Pillar One Amount B: Terobosan dalam Penerapan ALP

Jakarta, Ideatax -- In the previous article, we have discussed the OECD's Pillar One Amount A. A...

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Yuk Pahami Konsep Dasar dan Implementasi PPN dalam Negeri

Yuk Pahami Konsep Dasar dan Implementasi PPN dalam Negeri

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Domestic Value Added Tax (VAT) is a form of tax imposed on goods and servic...

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Strategi Pajak untuk Perusahaan Fintech Startup

Strategi Pajak untuk Perusahaan Fintech Startup

Jakarta, Ideatax -- In the ever-growing digital era, fintech startup companies are now growing...

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Mengenal Super Deduction Tax

Mengenal Super Deduction Tax

Jakarta, Ideatax -- In an article published by Stanford University in 2023, it was mentioned that on...

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Jenis Setoran Pajak yang Harus Diketahui Para Pelaku UMKM

Jenis Setoran Pajak yang Harus Diketahui Para Pelaku UMKM

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Tax is an unavoidable obligation for every business actor, including Micro,...

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Sukseskan Investasi Properti dengan Peran Tax Consulting

Sukseskan Investasi Properti dengan Peran Tax Consulting

Property investment has become an investment choice that is increasingly sought after by many people, especially beca...

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Berbagai Jenis Setoran Pajak dan Tata Cara Pelaporannya

Berbagai Jenis Setoran Pajak dan Tata Cara Pelaporannya

Taxes are a financial obligation imposed by the state on individuals and companies. Unfortunately, we often don't...

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Pentingnya Memahami Aspek Perpajakan dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan

Pentingnya Memahami Aspek Perpajakan dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan

In this modern era, smart and effective financial management has become very important in personal and business life....

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Memahami Syarat Objektif Wajib Pajak untuk Pemilik Usaha

Memahami Syarat Objektif Wajib Pajak untuk Pemilik Usaha

Taxes are a very important source of state income. The objective requirements of taxpayers and the subjective require...

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Carbon Pricing dan Implikasinya

Carbon Pricing dan Implikasinya

Jakarta, Ideatax -- In the HPP Law, the Government has stipulated that the carbon tax rate is equal...

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