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These are the VAT Tax Codes Required for Various Industries

These are the VAT Tax Codes Required for Various Industries


06 Nov, 2023 13:11 WIB

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The VAT Tax Code (Value Added Tax) is an important element in taxation, because it relates to VAT payments and reporting. This code must be integrated into e-billing or forms, thereby helping the DJP (Directorate General of Taxes) electronic system in identifying types of online payment transactions more efficiently.


In this article, we will discuss the importance of using such codes in various industries and how we can make optimal use of them. Come on, don't miss it!


List of Domestic VAT Tax Codes

As someone who has tax obligations, it is important to understand the VAT code and KJS (Deposit Type Code) to ensure the tax payment process runs smoothly in accordance with applicable regulations. Errors in entering the VAT or KJS code can result in tax deposits being rejected or unable to be processed.


The domestic VAT code used is 411211. The following is a complete list of Domestic VAT codes along with the appropriate deposit types:


VAT Code Deposit Type
411211-100 Periodic domestic VAT SPT
411211-101 VAT payable to non-customs BKP
411211-102 VAT payable by non-customs JKP
411211-103 VAT payable build yourself
411211-104 VAT payable on non-sale and restructuring assets
411211-105 VAT on image/sound recordings
411211-199 Deposit tax before the VAT SKP is issued
411211-300 Pay VAT SPT payable domestically
411211-310 Deposit the balance of the domestic VAT SKPKB
411211-311 SKPNK VAT BKP non customs
411211-312 Pay SKPKB VAT JKP non-customs
411211-313 Self-build SKPKB VAT payment transaction
411211-314 Pay SKPKB VAT collector's obligation
411211-320 Pay domestic VAT SKPKBT
411211-321 Pay SKPBT VAT BKP non-customs
411211-322 SKPKBT VAT JKP non-customs
411211-323 Pay SKPKBT VAT, build it yourself
411211-324 Pay SKPKBT VAT collector's obligation
411211-390 Pay tax disputes (PK, Objection, Appeal, Judicial Review)
411211-500 Pay shortfall in domestic VAT Periodic SPT
411211-501 Pay the shortfall in Income Tax Return Article 21
411211-510 Pay the fine for filling in the domestic VAT Periodic SPT
411211-511 Pay fines to terminate investigations into tax crimes
411211-900 Non-treasurer VAT deposits
411211-910 Pay VAT to the APBN treasurer
411211-920 Pay VAT to the APBD treasurer
411211-930 Deposit VAT to village fund treasurer


Understanding VAT regulations and tax codes well is an important step in ensuring a smooth payment and reporting process for your taxes. If you face difficulties in implementing or remitting VAT, do not hesitate to contact an Ideatax tax consultant.


With experience and in-depth knowledge in the world of taxation, we are ready to provide the best solutions to meet all your tax needs.