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Insentif Ppnbm Untuk Impor: Efektifkah?

Insentif Ppnbm Untuk Impor: Efektifkah?

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Gaikindo (2023) reported that vehicle imports in Indonesia in the period January...

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Tax Update: Taxpayers Account Management (TAM)

Tax Update: Taxpayers Account Management (TAM)

Jakarta, Ideatax -- DGT introduced Taxpayers Account Management (TAM) at the end of January 2024. A...

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The Overregulated of Arm’s-Length Principle

The Overregulated of Arm’s-Length Principle

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The provisions regarding the arm's length principle (ALP) in Indonesia have...

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Kontroversi Pajak Hiburan yang Bikin Heran

Kontroversi Pajak Hiburan yang Bikin Heran

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The government is planning to raise the entertainment tax! Law No. 1 of 202...

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Wajah Baru Skema Pajak UMKM

Wajah Baru Skema Pajak UMKM

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Since the Harmonization of Tax Regulations Act in 2021 enacted, the government h...

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Yuk Pahami Sistem Pajak Internasional untuk Perusahaan Multinasional

Yuk Pahami Sistem Pajak Internasional untuk Perusahaan Multinasional

The international tax system was created for several purposes, one of which is preventing tax avoidance. Avoidance is...

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Yuk Pahami Pajak Penghasilan Badan untuk Pertumbuhan Bisnis

Yuk Pahami Pajak Penghasilan Badan untuk Pertumbuhan Bisnis

Every taxpayer has the responsibility to pay taxes according to the applicable rules and regulations. Apart from indi...

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Yuk Mengenal Pajak Perdagangan Internasional!

Yuk Mengenal Pajak Perdagangan Internasional!

Jakarta, Ideatax -- What is international trade tax? Maybe you have heard or read literature about t...

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Senjakala Prinsip Kewajaran Dan Kelaziman Usaha

Senjakala Prinsip Kewajaran Dan Kelaziman Usaha

Jakarta, Ideatax -- In 2009, a professor from Michigan University, Reuven Avi-Yonah, wrote a law jou...

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Ketentuan Pajak Penghasilan Pribadi di Indonesia Perlu Anda Tahu

Ketentuan Pajak Penghasilan Pribadi di Indonesia Perlu Anda Tahu

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Personal Income Tax or Personal Income Tax is a type of tax imposed on individua...

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Apakah Konsultasi Perpajakan untuk Bisnis itu Penting? Apa Manfaatnya?

Apakah Konsultasi Perpajakan untuk Bisnis itu Penting? Apa Manfaatnya?

Jakarta, Ideatax -- As is known, every citizen who is a taxpayer has the responsibility to pay taxes...

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Isu Teknis dalam Pemotongan PPh Pasal 21

Isu Teknis dalam Pemotongan PPh Pasal 21

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The government has issued regulations regarding the average effective rate at th...

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Kiat Efektif Mengelola Administrasi Pajak Bisnis untuk Kesuksesan Jangka Panjang!

Kiat Efektif Mengelola Administrasi Pajak Bisnis untuk Kesuksesan Jangka Panjang!

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Are you currently starting a new business? If yes, then you should ensure proper...

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Tips Efektif Mengoptimalkan Pengembalian Pajak melalui Pengisian SPT PPh

Tips Efektif Mengoptimalkan Pengembalian Pajak melalui Pengisian SPT PPh

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Annual Income Tax Returns, or SPT PPh, have become an obligation for Taxpayers i...

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Ternyata Memahami Hukum Perpajakan di Indonesia untuk Itu Penting!

Ternyata Memahami Hukum Perpajakan di Indonesia untuk Itu Penting!

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Taxes are an aspect that cannot be avoided in the economic life of every citizen...

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Pembahasan Lengkap Struktur dan Penggunaan Kode PPN dalam Negeri

Pembahasan Lengkap Struktur dan Penggunaan Kode PPN dalam Negeri

Jakarta, Ideatax -- In the world of taxation, the Value Added Tax Deposit Type Code (KJS) generally...

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Alasan Mengapa SPT Tahunan PPh Adalah Hal yang Tidak Boleh Dilewatkan

Alasan Mengapa SPT Tahunan PPh Adalah Hal yang Tidak Boleh Dilewatkan

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Recently, there have been quite a lot of appeals to all people and companies to...

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Tax Outlook 2024: Sebuah Perspektif

Tax Outlook 2024: Sebuah Perspektif

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The 2024 State Budget Law has been enacted. Through Law No. 19 of 2023, the...

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Kesesuaian Peta Jalan Industri Fintech Dengan Ketentuan Perpajakan

Kesesuaian Peta Jalan Industri Fintech Dengan Ketentuan Perpajakan

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The executive head of the Supervisor of Financing, Venture Companies, Microfinan...

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Menilik Tarif Pajak Kripto di Negara Lain

Menilik Tarif Pajak Kripto di Negara Lain

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency, or Badan Pengawas Perdaga...

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