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Menilai Efektifitas Fasilitas Perpajakan Bagi Proyek Startegis Nasional

Menilai Efektifitas Fasilitas Perpajakan Bagi Proyek Startegis Nasional

The government has determined 14 national strategic projects for 2024, which are mentioned in the Medium-Term Develop...

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Tata Cara Penghitungan PPh Pasal 21 Atas THR

Tata Cara Penghitungan PPh Pasal 21 Atas THR

Jakarta, Ideatax --  Eid al-Fitr 1446 H is getting near. Shopping centers are getting crowded w...

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Katalog Insentif Perpajakan: Seri PPN

Katalog Insentif Perpajakan: Seri PPN

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The Indonesian Ministry of Finance reported that in 2023, there was an incr...

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What You Should Know About Kawasan Berikat

What You Should Know About Kawasan Berikat

The Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, said that until the first semester of last year, the government had provided im...

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Kenaikan PPN dan Solusi Mengurangi Kesenjangan

Kenaikan PPN dan Solusi Mengurangi Kesenjangan

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto, stated that the g...

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PPN Atas Penyerahan Rumah Tapak dan Rumah Susun: Peluang dan Tantangannya

PPN Atas Penyerahan Rumah Tapak dan Rumah Susun: Peluang dan Tantangannya

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Bank Indonesia reported that residential property sales in the fourth quarter of...

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Langkah-langkah Menghadapi SP2DK

Langkah-langkah Menghadapi SP2DK

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Starting in March 2024, the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) will email 25 mil...

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Transfer Pricing Documentation: Dulu dan Kini

Transfer Pricing Documentation: Dulu dan Kini

Jakarta, Ideatax -- At the end of 2023, the government issued several new tax provisions. One of the...

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Cukai Minuman Berpemanis: Efektifkah Menekan Angka Diabetes di Indonesia?

Cukai Minuman Berpemanis: Efektifkah Menekan Angka Diabetes di Indonesia?

Jakarta, Ideatax -- In a report, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of BAPPENAS, and UNICEF (2019...

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Indonesia Anggota Baru OECD: Peluang dan Tantangannya

Indonesia Anggota Baru OECD: Peluang dan Tantangannya

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto, reported that Ind...

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A Guidance to Submit a Personal Income Tax Return

A Guidance to Submit a Personal Income Tax Return

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The deadline for filing the Annual Personal Income Tax Return for fiscal year 20...

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Pembentukan Dana Cadangan Piutang Tak Tertagih: Kini dan Nanti

Pembentukan Dana Cadangan Piutang Tak Tertagih: Kini dan Nanti

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The Financial Services Authority (“OJK”) has declared that the credi...

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Mampukah Core Tax Mendongkrak Tax GAP?

Mampukah Core Tax Mendongkrak Tax GAP?

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Did you know that there is another parameter used to measure tax performance asi...

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Is It Possible to Separate DGT From Ministry of Finance: a study?

Is It Possible to Separate DGT From Ministry of Finance: a study?

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The Constitutional Court rejected the judicial review of the Directorate General...

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Pemeriksaan Bukti Permulaan Pidana Pajak: Sebuah Pengantar

Pemeriksaan Bukti Permulaan Pidana Pajak: Sebuah Pengantar

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The Constitutional Court has ruled that some provisions regarding preliminary ev...

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Insentif Ppnbm Untuk Impor: Efektifkah?

Insentif Ppnbm Untuk Impor: Efektifkah?

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Gaikindo (2023) reported that vehicle imports in Indonesia in the period January...

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Tax Update: Taxpayers Account Management (TAM)

Tax Update: Taxpayers Account Management (TAM)

Jakarta, Ideatax -- DGT introduced Taxpayers Account Management (TAM) at the end of January 2024. A...

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The Overregulated of Arm’s-Length Principle

The Overregulated of Arm’s-Length Principle

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The provisions regarding the arm's length principle (ALP) in Indonesia have...

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Kontroversi Pajak Hiburan yang Bikin Heran

Kontroversi Pajak Hiburan yang Bikin Heran

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The government is planning to raise the entertainment tax! Law No. 1 of 202...

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Wajah Baru Skema Pajak UMKM

Wajah Baru Skema Pajak UMKM

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Since the Harmonization of Tax Regulations Act in 2021 enacted, the government h...

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