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Effective Tips for Optimizing Tax Refunds by Completing Income Tax Returns

Effective Tips for Optimizing Tax Refunds by Completing Income Tax Returns


26 Jan, 2024 10:01 WIB

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Annual Income Tax Returns, or SPT PPh, have become an obligation for Taxpayers in Indonesia. Sometimes, taxpayers experience a situation where the amount of tax owed is smaller than the tax credit they have, so that the SPT experiences an overpayment of the provisions.


What if the SPT has an overpayment? Of course, there are mechanisms that can be implemented by taxpayers in accordance with the provisions of the Directorate General of Taxes. According to the Law regulated in Article 17B paragraph 1, Taxpayers who wish to submit a return need to go through an inspection process. What steps need to be taken?


Effective Ways to Refund Taxes via SPT PPh

Even though the income tax return regulations have been around for a long time, many people still don't understand the procedures. How to effectively return taxes by filling out an Income Tax Return? You can immediately follow the optimization procedure below.

1. Taxpayers Need to Meet the Requirements

You need to know that the process of tax refunds or refunds via SPT PPh will be easier for taxpayers with certain criteria. Taxpayers need to fulfill at least 4 requirements to make their application easier to approve, including:

  • Taxpayers need to submit Annual Tax Returns for the last 3 years.
  • It is endeavored not to have any tax arrears, except for the type of tax arrears for which the payment system has received permission for postponement or installments.
  • Attach financial reports that have been audited by a Financial Institution or Public Accountant, then attach them to the Annual Tax Return.
  • Taxpayers have never committed tax crimes in the last 5 years.


2. Using Research Methods

Requesting a tax refund via SPT PPh will be more concise and faster by using research methods. This method is not only intended for Individual Taxpayers (WPOP) who have met the requirements, but WPOPs with incomplete requirements can apply for it.


Generally, taxpayers will receive information in around 15 days, a maximum of 3 months. If the Directorate General of Taxes has issued a SKPPKP (Decision Letter for Preliminary Refund of Excess Tax), you will receive disbursement information more quickly and easily.


So, after understanding the review above, we understand that tax refunds via SPT PPh can run optimally by fulfilling all the necessary requirements and applying the right research methods.

To ensure this process runs more smoothly and efficiently, many taxpayers choose to get help from professional tax and accounting consultants. For this reason, Ideatax is the right partner. With an experienced team, Ideatax is ready to help you optimize your tax returns and carry out your tax obligations effectively.


Don't hesitate to contact Ideatax and get added value for you in managing tax and accounting matters.