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                    Understanding the Fringe Benefits Tax in Indonesia

Understanding the Fringe Benefits Tax in Indonesia

Ideatax, Jakarta -- Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) or tax-in-kind is defined as a form of tax paid by empl...

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                    TP Doc as the Starting Point  of ALP Testimony

TP Doc as the Starting Point of ALP Testimony

Ideatax, Jakarta -- According to the 2021 Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) Statist...

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                    Hoisting Tax Revenue from the Fintech Industry

Hoisting Tax Revenue from the Fintech Industry

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) or tax-in-kind is defined as a form of tax paid by...

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                    Delving into Crypto Tax: A Perspective

Delving into Crypto Tax: A Perspective

Jakarta, Ideatax -- One time, the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency or Badan Pengawas Perd...

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                    Welcoming the New Age of Dividend Tax

Welcoming the New Age of Dividend Tax

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Recently, the Government Regulation or Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Number...

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                    A Bright Spot of Confusion for AYDA (Foreclosed Collateral)

A Bright Spot of Confusion for AYDA (Foreclosed Collateral)

Jakarta, Ideatax -- General public may be unfamiliar with the term 'Agunan Yang Diambil Ali...

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                    Obligations Post Voluntary Disclosure Program

Obligations Post Voluntary Disclosure Program

Ideatax, Jakarta -- The Voluntary Disclosure Program ended in mid-2022. Based on the official r...

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                    Provisions and Aspects of Corporate Liquidation Taxation

Provisions and Aspects of Corporate Liquidation Taxation

In general, liquidation can be defined as the process of closing a business, where its assets are sold to meet its li...

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                    NPWP : Tax Administration Gate

NPWP : Tax Administration Gate

DJP (2022) reported that the number of registered Taxpayers in 2021 reached 66,351,573. Among them, 92% were Individu...

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