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Let's Optimize Core Tax for Sustainable Business Growth

Let's Optimize Core Tax for Sustainable Business Growth


28 Nov, 2023 16:11 WIB

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The Core Tax Administration System (CTAS) introduced by the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) has brought significant changes to the world of Indonesian taxation. CTAS is not just innovation, but also an effort to strengthen tax compliance, encourage economic growth, and create a conducive business environment.

Through comprehensive updates to the tax administration process, CTAS has changed the tax landscape, making it more precise, reliable and more integrated.

This article will discuss several tips for maximizing the benefits of CTAS in supporting sustainable business growth. Interesting right? Come on, take a look together.


Tips for Optimizing Core Tax for Business Growth

Business success depends not only on the products or services offered, but also on understanding how to utilize the Core Tax Administration System (CTAS) intelligently. And below we will explain several secrets for optimizing CTAS to support sustainable business growth.


1. Maximize the Fulfillment of Tax Obligations

Switching to the Core Tax Administration System is the right step to maximize the fulfillment of tax obligations. This system makes it easier for taxpayers to carry out tax procedures easily and practically. Thus, fulfillment of tax obligations can be achieved more optimally.


2. Conduct tax analysis of strategic decisions

The use of CTAS also makes it possible for business people to carry out tax analysis before making strategic decisions. By understanding the tax implications, businesses can take more planned steps, including minimizing potential risks in the tax aspect.


3. Conduct regular tax reviews

Carrying out a review of tax obligations is very important. By using the Core Tax Administration System, this process can be carried out more easily, quickly, effectively and efficiently, thus ensuring that all tax aspects can be fulfilled properly.


4. Develop a Long Term Tax Plan

Apart from that, the implementation of this core administration system also allows business people to plan long-term tax strategies that are integrated with business goals. Of course, this will help optimize financial performance in the long term.


5. Utilize a Reliable Tax Consultant

Collaborating with a competent tax consultant is an important step in business development. They have a deep understanding of tax updates, so they can provide insight and guidance in developing corporate tax strategies.

So, the five points above are the key to success in utilizing the Core Tax Administration System (CTAS) which you can apply to support business growth. But, don't forget that to achieve success in tax management, consultation with a trusted tax professional is also very important. And Ideatax is an option worth considering.

We offer tax consultation services with reliable and experienced experts. With the help of our team, you can ensure that CTAS is used effectively and efficiently, helping your business grow and develop as a whole.

Visit the official Ideatax website and contact us for further consultation.