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Pajak Karbon: Keuntungan dan Kerugiannya

Pajak Karbon: Keuntungan dan Kerugiannya

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Bam! The provision on Carbon Tax has been finalized since 2021. The Harmonizatio...

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Carbon Tax Vs Green Tax: Mana Lebih Baik?

Carbon Tax Vs Green Tax: Mana Lebih Baik?

Jakarta, Ideatax -- It has been two years since the Harmonization of Tax Regulations Act was en...

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Seri Karbon: Aspek Pajak Karbon menurut UU HPP

Seri Karbon: Aspek Pajak Karbon menurut UU HPP

The implementation of carbon tax is one of Indonesia's commitments to reducing CO2 emissions. Basically, carbon t...

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Seri Karbon: Mengenal Pajak Karbon di Indonesia

Seri Karbon: Mengenal Pajak Karbon di Indonesia

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Recently, The UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, stated that the era o...

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Rencana Pajak Karbon di Indonesia

Rencana Pajak Karbon di Indonesia

Ideatax, Jakarta -- In the near future, the Indonesian government will impose a carbon tax as part o...

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