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                    You Need to Know Personal Income Tax Provisions in Indonesia

You Need to Know Personal Income Tax Provisions in Indonesia

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Personal Income Tax or Personal Income Tax is a type of tax imposed on individua...

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                    Is Tax Consultation for Business Important? What are the Benefits?

Is Tax Consultation for Business Important? What are the Benefits?

Jakarta, Ideatax -- As is known, every citizen who is a taxpayer has the responsibility to pay taxes...

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                    Technical Issues in Income Tax Article 21 Withholding

Technical Issues in Income Tax Article 21 Withholding

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The government has issued regulations regarding the average effective rate at th...

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                    Effective Tips for Managing Business Tax Administration for Long-Term Success!

Effective Tips for Managing Business Tax Administration for Long-Term Success!

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Are you currently starting a new business? If yes, then you should ensure proper...

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                    Effective Tips for Optimizing Tax Refunds by Completing Income Tax Returns

Effective Tips for Optimizing Tax Refunds by Completing Income Tax Returns

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Annual Income Tax Returns, or SPT PPh, have become an obligation for Taxpayers i...

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                    It Turns Out That Understanding Tax Law in Indonesia is Important!

It Turns Out That Understanding Tax Law in Indonesia is Important!

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Taxes are an aspect that cannot be avoided in the economic life of every citizen...

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                    Complete Discussion of The Structure and Use of Domestic VAT Codes

Complete Discussion of The Structure and Use of Domestic VAT Codes

Jakarta, Ideatax -- In the world of taxation, the Value Added Tax Deposit Type Code (KJS) generally...

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                    Reasons Why the Annual Income Tax Return Is Something You Shouldn't Miss

Reasons Why the Annual Income Tax Return Is Something You Shouldn't Miss

Jakarta, Ideatax -- Recently, there have been quite a lot of appeals to all people and companies to...

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                    Tax Outlook 2024: A Perspective

Tax Outlook 2024: A Perspective

Jakarta, Ideatax -- The 2024 State Budget Law has been enacted. Through Law No. 19 of 2023, the...

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